Sunday, June 14, 2020

Folk Contest: Semi-final Round

All right, at this point, we're down to our Final Four, and you can cut the tension with a butter knife. Or something. Here are the matchups:

1. Amigo the Devil Everything is Fine vs. Augie March Sunset Studies

Amigo the Devil
Everything Is Fine

Really fun and dark "Murderfolk" with a bluegrass twinge

Augie March
Sunset Studies

It's Chamber Folk/ Indie Folk. An Australian band, this was their debut, and had some cracking tracks.

2. Matt Elliott Farewell to All We Know vs. Fire on Fire The Orchard

Matt Elliott
Farewell to All We Know

Do you believe in resurrection? You don't? Well, I did when I first heard this. This is the second coming of Leonard Cohen, I mused. He breathes throughout this album somehow. How very odd, how wonderful! It is probably not true, but damn it, he used to play a mean guitar, too. Enjoy!

or spotify

Fire On Fire
The Orchard

Very accessible spin on this sort of apocalyptic folk subgenre. Think a less evil sounding Comus.

On Spotify and Google Play.

These two contests will determine our championship matchup next week. I can't wait. (OK, I can. But I am interested.)