This was another close one, and unfortunately, another round where several people didn't vote. And to make it controversial, one person tried to vote late with a vote that would thrown the round back into a tie, and didn't take it all that well when I wouldn't accept his vote. (I don't really care which way the vote goes, as long as we at least get a result. And I damned sure wasn't gonna let a late vote throw it back into a tie.)
Anyway, here was my vote:
OK, I'm ready to vote.
I found the Harrod and Funck pleasant enough, but kind of generic. The guitarist is quite good. The vocals are fine, but don't really excite me. And the songwriting seemed OK, but again, a little bland. (And the one about the guy who eats his leg is just weird.)
I liked Gordon Bok. Like I said, he sounded like a mix between Pete Seeger and Gordon Lightfoot - I really like his voice.
For me this was a pretty clear choice. My vote is for Gordon Bok.
Those who voted on time agreed. Well, half of them did, anyway.
Final Results: Harrod and Funck 5 votes, Gordon Bok 6 votes.
Winner: Gordon Bok