For new readers, this refers to the monthly Song of the Day list on the Sputnik Music website. Each month, one user hosts the list and names a theme. Everyone then recommends songs in line with this theme, and people rate the various song recommendations. The list of April songs can be found at Sputnik Music Song of the Day - April 2020.
1. The theme for the month was "Artists whose name begins with the letter 'B'".
2. My pick for the month was "Under a Violet Moon" by Blackmore's Night. It's one of their best. Blackmore's Night - Under a Violet Moon.
3. My highest rated song of the month was an old classic, "Presence of the Lord" by Blind Faith. Blind Faith - Presence of the Lord. In general, though, my ratings were pretty low this month - 2.69. IMy average rating is usually somewhere just over or just under 3. I'm not sure if this was because I was grumpier this month due to the quarantine, or the songs were just suckier. Might have been a combination.
4. The highest rated song by the group in general was "Firefly" by Black Light Smoke. I liked that one myself. Black Light Smoke - Firefly.
5. The link for the playlist for the month, minus the one song I couldn't find on YouTube, is April 2020 Song of the Day YouTube Playlist.