Sunday, May 17, 2020

Folk Contest: Round 1 Match 5 Results

Unlike last week, this one was close, although I was disappointed to see that several of our usual participants didn't vote this week.

Here's what I had to say:

I'm ready to vote.

I love the guitar and songwriting on Matt Elliott. I'm less of a fan of the vocals, however. I feel like I need to cattle prod him or something to wake him up. This style of vocals would have worked on one, two or maybe even three tracks. But when it's done for the whole album, it annoys me, especially considering how good everything else is.

The Borg album is my favorite of the tournament so far, which is surprising for me for an album that is all instrumental. I just love this style of music, though, and they do it very well.

My vote is for Borg.

Some of the others found the Borg to be more generic, though, and although others agreed with me about the Matt Elliott vocals, not everyone was as bothered by his sleepy vocals as I was.

Final Results: Matt Elliott 6 votes, Borg 5 votes.

Winner: Matt Elliott