Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Prog Contest: Round 1 Match 2


"Pulsar was one of the finest symphonic progressive rock bands from France, 'Halloween' was their masterpiece, and benefited from a much better production than the previous albums. The music was a bit less spacey and instead more symphonic in a more traditional way. It's a concept album divided into two parts, divided into several songs with individual titles. This is one of the best French prog releases in the 70's." - e210013

Youtube (see track listing, I believe it starts at 1:23:06): https://youtu.be/EmCGdtxA3A8


Night On Bald Mountain

"I found this vinyl, like I find most of my more obscure stuff, digging through dusty crates in dingy basements in about a 50 mile radius where I live in the midwest. I found this in Lake Geneva Wisconsin at some whole in the wall tourist shop, that had a sign "records" pointing down the stairs. I found this and others but had never heard of this so had to get it for the terrible name alone, I figured they were from England and saw that Ian McDonald produced it so knew it would be at least worth a spin. Well it turns out they were from New Jersey. This has nodes of all the great early Prog bands. You will swear you hear, Genesis, Yes, GG, KC, and Van Der Graff. I love the orchestration although I usually do not. The FIre Mountain that closes out the album is great although in this day and age maybe a little much but a great listen
hope you enjoy this." - wham49

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rS1NjyY3KZA&list=PL8a8cutYP7fpfDrNyHhoQ621EWkb9uzKI

I'll probably start listening to them tonight. As always, I'll give them at least three listens each -- more if I need more to decide.