Hmm. Well this one wasn't as close at looked, and it didn't look very close. The first six votes all went to the eventual winner, and after that, it was pretty much a foregone conclusion.
Here was my vote:
Neither of these albums is perfectly in my prog sweet spot, but one is closer than the other.
Colosseum II has several different sounds, but there's a clear Chick Correa kind of jazz going on for at the early part of it, and something close to soul towards the end.
Quiet Sun is a more traditional prog album, although even after three listens, there wasn't anything that strongly jumped out at me.
Nevertheless, while I hate to pile on, my vote goes to Quiet Sun. (Apologies to my friend Wham.)
The last few votes were split pretty evenly, but like I said, by that time, it was much too late.
Final Result: Colosseum II 5, Quiet Sun 12.
One more match up to go in the first round.