Friday, April 17, 2020

Folk Contest: Round 1 Match 1 Results

I know, I know. I was late with the last post, as this matchup is already over.

Anyway, here was my vote:

After the first listen, I was sure I was voting for the Pepper Proud album. It's obviously the brighter of the two choices, and I immediately fell in love with the track "Atlanta" (which is still my favorite track on either of the two albums.)

The first time through, I found a lot of what Amigo the Devil does annoying. He's a bit of a ham, and I don't like it sometimes when he suddenly blasts into his full voice. By the second listen, though, I started to hear more of his strong points, especially on his first song, and on "I Hope Your Husband Dies".

The third time through, I finally had the chance to listen to them back to back. My overall assessment is that Amigo the Devil is probably further along as an artist than is Pepper Proud, and objectively, I think "Everything Is Fine" is a slightly stronger album than "Water".

Nevertheless, my vote is for "Water", based on one simple thing: I just LIKE it better. It's consistent, it has my favorite song of the competition thus far, and there's nothing that irritates me about it. "Everything Is Fine" is a more peak-and-valley kind of thing for me.

So yeah, I vote for Pepper Proud. 


Final Results: Pepper Proud 5 votes, Amigo the Devil 9 votes

Winner: Amigo the Devil