OK, as I guess I've made obvious, for me, this was a brutal contest. My rec, Frogg Cafe's Bateless Edge, was the first one knocked out of tournament. Of the ten first round matches, my pick lost eight of them. And the later rounds weren't any better.
The two albums vying for the championship, Circus's Movin' and Pekka Pohjola's Visitation, were my 17th and 16th choices respectively out of the 20 albums that started this journey. I voted for the Pekka Pohjola LP. Unsurprisingly, Circus won it all.
It was yet another crazy close contest, ending in a 10-10 vote yesterday. One of the Sputnik Users who had participated in previous tournaments and who voted in this one a couple of times along the way, was invited to give the tiebreaker vote. He voted for Circus.
Final Results: Circus 11 votes, Pekka Pohjola 10 votes.
Thanks to Jethro, who did a fine job taking over for Friday13th as the tournament organizer.
But I need to go cry now. See y'all soon.