So the last time I mentioned Sputnik Music's monthly Song of the Day list was in early April, when I left the list after some (idiot) fine-but-misguided User awarded a 1 out of 5 score to Pink Floyd's "Welcome to the Machine." For me, it was like the time Married With Children's Al Bundy had a mental breakdown at his all night Shoe-a-Thon after he accidentally looked up while trying to sell women's shoes and saw underwear that said "Saturday". Only today was Wednesday! In his immortal words, "Next thing I knew, I was insane!"
What I didn't tell you, though, was ironically enough, after I left, my rec for the month of April came in first and won the month. (If you recall, the theme was "Songs That You Hate That You Think Your Fellow Users Will Love".) I won the month with the revered (but kind of crappy) "Let's Go Crazy" by the very-revered but completely ridiculous artist formerly known as Squiggle (aka Prince). It was only the second time my rec had ever scored highest in SOTD, the first being during one of the first month's I participated when I won with My Favorite's "Burning Hearts".
I had no intention of participating again anytime soon, but in May, a friend of mine was hosting it and asked me if I would contribute a rec (even though I was no longer participating in rating the songs). The theme for May was "Live Recordings", and I went with a classic, Neil Young's "Sugar Mountain". (I'm pretty sure he never actually made a studio recording of that one.)
For a good part of the month, it looked like I was going to win for the second month in a row. (And I won't lie, I would have loved that.) Unfortunately, the next couple of ratings knocked my score down significantly. When the month ended, my score was no longer the highest. And sadly, even if I had ended up with the highest rated song, I don't know if I technically could have claimed the win, because somewhere near the end of the month, the whole SOTD just petered out and died.
What I mean by that is it just never ended. It was left incomplete. My friend got busy elsewhere, so there were only 29 songs nominated for a 31-day month. And at the end of it, the handful of Users who were still participating decided that since the participation had gone down so much, it might be a good time to put the whole thing on hiatus.
So for now, Song of the Day is like Snow White waiting for her prince (or her squiggle) to come. It's not exactly dead, but it's in a coma until someone revives it. So for those of you who enjoyed the feature, and my writings (and rantings) about it, sorry about that.
(Singing: "After midnight, we gonna sell a lot of shooooeeees!")