Thursday, December 5, 2019

November 2019 Song of the Day

There were some pretty decent songs this month, although I thought there was also a lapse in quality about halfway through.

This was the first month in a while that I wasn't either host or co-host. However, the user who took over did a great job. And while there was less participation in terms of how many users took part in rating the songs, it's the first time since I've been a part of this that the song recs for the month came from thirty different users. So that was pretty good. The theme for the month was GIFTS. Each user was asked to rec a song that they liked that they first learned about because it was rec'd to them by another Sputnik Music user.

Anyway, here's this month's chart.

Artist/song/link/overall rating given by Sput users (out of 5)/my rating (X=I rec'd it)

1. Fazerdaze/Little Uneasy/
2. mewithoutYou/Rainbow Signs/
3. Emma Ruth Rundle/Protection/
4. Macaroom/Toombi/
5. Thomas Feiner and Anywhen/Dinah and the Beautiful Blue/
6. Brainiac/You Wrecked My Hair/
7. Erang/Innocent Blood, Barbarian Blade/
8. The Gloaming/Athas/
9. Starbend/Einsamkeit/
10. Psychedelic Porn Crumpets/Bill's Mandolin/
11. Fields of Mildew/Embers/
12. Robbie Basho/Rocky Mountain Raga/
13. Memoryhouse/Sarah/
14. Fire! Orchestra/(I Am A) Horizon/
15. David Kauffman and Eric Caboor/Kiss Another Day Goodbye/
16. The Ruins of Beverast/Rain Upon the Impure/
17. Kairon IRSE!/Tzar Morei/
18. Elder/Lore/
19. John Moreland/Blacklist/
20. Split End/Deep Love/
21. Debris/One Way Spit/
22. John Prine/When I Get to Heaven/
23. Wilderun/Far From Where Dreams Unfurl/
24. Cubfires/Ruby Sparks/
25. The Mortal/Sayonara Waltz/
26. The Afghan Whigs/Bulletproof/
27. A Guy Called Gerald/The First Breath/
28. Paddy Hanna/Toulouse the Kisser/
29. Quo Vadis/On the Shores of Ithaka/
30. Midnight Oil/Beds Are Burning/

My pick for the month was The Gloaming's "Athas". Nobody really loved it, and nobody really hated it. It came in at an average of 2.96.

On the other hand, the last song of the month, Midnight Oil's "Beds Are Burning" did quite well at a n average of 3.64. The song was rec's by a user called Sharkattack, but he credited me as the user who originally "gifted" it to him. (And unsurprisingly, this was my highest rated song of the month, at 4.4)

The highest rated song overall was Emma Ruth Rundle's "Protection", which scored 3.79 overall. My highest rated song that was new to me was the first song of the month, Fazerdaze's "Little Uneasy".

The lowest rated song of the month was Cubfires' "Ruby Sparks". Was Fire! Orchestra's "(I Am A) Horizon". It was one of those jazzy/experimental-type tracks that just sounded off key to me.

The theme for December is "The song that first made you fall in love with a genre", so that should be fun.

I've got a concert review to write for you after this coming weekend (which will hopefully set off less of a firestorm than my last show review, heh heh. But we'll see.) This should be my last concert of 2019.

And after that, it will be time to start posting my Best of the Year and Best of the Decade lists.