Sunday, July 7, 2019

Prog Contest: Round 1, Match 8

This will be the final match of the first round. Here are our contestants:

Tako (YUG)

"A favorite of mine from the Yugo-prog scene that has been in regular rotation for quite some time. Don't see a lot of discussion from this particular part of the world when it comes to either progressive rock or jazz fusion so it would most certainly be a worthwhile addition, I think. Perhaps it's not as long as some of the other additions but it makes for a wonderful listen nonetheless." - Casavir



Art Bears
Hopes and Fears

"There are obviously a lot of common points between the music of Henry Cow and Art Bears, the political-philosophical lyrics, the abstract compositions mixed with jazz or free improvisations, but on the whole album is a more stripped down affair, the songs are shorter and more focused. Cutler's lyrics were indebted to Bertolt Brecht and informed by an interest in the middle ages, mythology and left wing politics; Frith's music reflected his interest in assorted arcane folk traditions and rock music, which would also influence his solo career; and Dagmar interpreted their vision like an updated version of Lotte Lenya." - Zig


This one matches up two extremely different albums from 1978. 

Tako is a more traditional prog band, although the and is from a country not usually associated with progressive rock, Yugoslavia (which ceased to be a country in 1992. Instead, it broke up into what is currently six nations: Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia and Kosovo. (Who says this blog isn't educational.)

Art Bears, on the other hand, is way more experimental and avant-garde. They're a British band with a German female singer who sounds a little like the noted sex therapist Dr. Ruth Westheimer.

So strap in. This one could be a bumpy ride.