Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Prog Contest: Round 1 Match 4

Well gang, looks like my entry is up this week. And it's opponent will be a tough one.

Tangerine Dream
Firestarter OST

"Most of you are probably familiar with the German synthesizer band Tangerine Dream. This soundtrack, from the 1984 film Firestarter (based on the Stephen King novel of the same name) was my first exposure to them. I saw Firestarter in the theater, and while the film was a bit of a mixed bag (primarily because poor little Drew Barrymore was probably too young to do the leading role justice), I fell in love with the hypnotic score, and went out of my way to find the soundtrack album. I'm not usually a lover of all-instrumental albums, but I just find this one to be beautiful. (Which is why I reviewed it on this site a couple of years ago). Even all these years later, this is still my favorite Tangerine Dream LP." - Divaman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQAf57MGPm4.


Unreal City (Italy)
La Crudelta Di Aprile

"Unreal City is a relatively new symphonic prog band coming from Italy. Centered around a keyboardist who masterfully uses piano, organ, moog, mellotron - etc - , the man is also a gifted singer. Rhythm section is tight and guitar complements the keys very well. Band revives some of the Italian prog majesty of the 70's. They incorporate all the classic RPI traditions of clever melodies, artful presentation, impeccable delivery and dramatic touches. They are backed by Fabio Zuffanti, who is compared to an Italian version of Steven Wilson, so the group can have immense future appeal." - Jethro42

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaaGHDhmV84&list=PLyxgENECAaJ-vdx9kE4JflSv2uNO1VIFV