Actually, because it happened early in 2016, there's one other local live band I saw in 2016 that i forgot to mention in last night's post. Sometime during the cold winter months, I escorted my daughter to see her friend's death/thrash metal band Accelator.
Now guys, I'm old. I freely acknowledge it. And as an old guy, I'm not going to pretend that I much understand death/thrash metal. I can sort of get interested with those bands that alternate melodic female vocalists with male screamo vocalists, but when it's all scream, it's just beyond me.
One thing I could totally get behind was the theme of some of the songs, though. At one point, her friend gave one of the greatest song introductions I ever heard: "This next song is about a bunch of cannibal zombies just munching the shit out of a bunch of guys in orange hazmat suits!" Now that's entertainment.
The mosh pit was a little terrifying though. Not so much for me, or for my daughter, as we sat far enough back to be mostly out of harm's way. (You're never totally out of harm's way, to be sure. At one point, her friend hit some poor drunk kid and propelled him hard enough to take out the merch table). But the terrifying part was there was this lovely young girl not much older than my daughter, standing on crutches, with a broken leg, standing right at the edge of the mosh pit. And every time someone got launched in her direction, I kind of gasped. I was trying to stand in a spot where I could both block for daughter and at the same time catch this girl if some psycho sent her flying. She made it through the show OK, as did my daughter and I. But I spent so much of the show on guard, it was hard to fully concentrate on the music.
What was even more frightening was the next day, when my daughter's friend explained to us that in fact the lovely young lady on the crutches was the drummer's girlfriend, and the reason she was on crutches was that she had her leg broken in the mosh pit at a show a few weeks earlier. Good times. Good times.
I have to say that for as much as I do understand the music, Accelerator puts on an entertaining show. If you're at all into death/thrash metal, you should definitely check them out.
By the way, one other shout out to a band I'm hoping to catch soon, my sister-in-law's new band Shotglass Nickel. She's always had an amazing pair of pipes, and I'm looking forward to seeing her out singing rock again.
Later, people.